5 research outputs found

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa Dalam Pembangunan Fisik Desa (Studi Di Desa Denok Kecamatan Lumajang Kabupaten Lumajang)

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    : Head of Village's Leadership Style in Physical Development Village (The study in Denok village, Subdistrict of Lumajang, City of Lumajang). Head of village is the head government in a village who is expected can regulate village administration well in giving service to society. Thus if the head of village presents his good performance in holding village administration, it will affect to the government administration in city, province, until center government. Head of village as a leader in village has some aspects of characteristics / leadership style that can help him in making a good relationship with his society. Head of village's leadership style has a close relationship with the purpose to be achieved by the village government. Thus, head of village's behavior / leadership style is always connected with head his activities in directing, motivating, communicating, making decision, and controlling government apparatus to succeed the purpose of village government. This study aims to find out head of village's leadership style in physical village development

    Relationships Between Triage Knowledge, Training, Working Experiences and Triage Skills Among Emergency Nurses in East Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Since there are increased numbers of clients with traumatic injuries and non-traumatic cases in the emergency department in Indonesia, triage skill is an essential competency required for the emergency nurses.Purposes: This study aimed to examine the level of perceived triage skills and the relationship between knowledge, training, working experience and perceived triage skills among emergency nurses.Method: Two hundred and sixty six emergency room (ER) nurses working in two secondary and two tertiary public hospitals in East Java Province, Indonesia, were recruited by purposive sampling. Data were collected using a set of questionnaires which included the Demographic Data including training and working experiences, Triage Knowledge Questionnaire (TKQ) and Triage Skill Questionnaire (TSQ). The contents of questionnaires were validated by three experts and tested for reliability. The correlation coefficient for the TKQ was 0.99 and Cronbach\u27s alpha coefficient of the TSQ was 0.93. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including Pearson\u27s product-moment correlation to examine the relationship.Result: The results showed that the majority of subjects were female (71.4%) with aged of 22 – 40 years (79.3%), educated to diploma level (94.4%). All subjects had attended Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ACLS), and about half of them had greater than 5 years working experiences in ED. Overall perceived triage skill was at a moderate level with the mean score of 75.12 (SD = 11.23). There were significantly positive correlations between triage skill and working experience (r = .27, p < .01), training experience (r = .37, p < .01), and triage knowledge (r = .38, p < .01).Conclusion: The findings provide a better understanding of triage skills among ER nurses and suggest that the continuing education and training courses related to triage and advanced management of medical emergencies for ER nurses are required in order to increase and update the triage skills in enhancing the quality of emergency care and patient safety

    The Factors Associated with the Triage Implementation in Emergency Department

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    Introduction: Triage is defi ned as a process to sort patients based on the severity and emergency situation. In fact, Emergency Department (ED) in several hospitals in Indonesia do not implement it, so not all patients come to Emergency Department due to a true emergency case but there are also a false emergency. Implementing triage is important in order to decrease false emergency case and also increase ED service quality. The research goal was to analyze factors associated with the triage implementation in Emergency Department in Hospitals (type A and B). Methode: The research design was a cross sectional with corrrelative analysis. The research population was emergency department nurses and patients. Samples were taken by total sampling for the nurses (54 respondents) and accidental sampling for patients (54 respondents). The research instruments were questionnaire and direct observation. The research datas were analized using multivariat logistic regression by backward LR. Result: The result showed that the dominant factors correlated with the implementation of the triage was the performance factor (p value. 0,002), the patient factor (p value = 0.011), and the staffing factor (p value. 0.017). Discussion: The hospital management can increase the work motivation,then optimize the nurses by giving a job description clearly and improve nursing service quality through Triage Offi cer Course


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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluaan: Cidera kepala menjadi masalah bagi kesehatan masyarakat karena dapat menyebabkan kematian, kecacatan, dan mengurangi waktu produktif. Cidera kepala memiliki tingkat mortalitas yang tinggi, sehingga dibutuhkan metode prognosis cidera kepala dengan penilaian awal yang akurat dengan harapan dapat memprediksi keluaran dan tata laksana yang sesuai dengan kondisi pasien. GAP Score adalah salah satu skoring sistem fisiologis yang dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor mortalitas pasien cedera kepala. Sistem ini lebih mudah digunakan dan memberikan informasi prediktif yang berharga dari kondisi pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah nilai GAP score dan saturasi oksigen dapat menjadi prediktor dalam memprediksi mortalitas pasien cidera kepala di Rumah Sakit Saiful Anwar Malang. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan studi retrospektif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 96 orang yang didapatkan dari data rekam medis pasien cedera kepala yang masuk pada periode Januari hingga Desember 2015 di RSSA Malang. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 96 sampel sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil dan analisis : Uji Mann-Whitney pada penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara nilai GAP Score, dan saturasi oksigen dengan mortalitas pasien cidera kepala dalam 7 hari perawatan dengan p value dari semua variabel independen < 0,05. Hasil Uji regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa persamaan GAP Score memiliki nilai p value Uji Hosmer and Lemeshow = 0,938 dengan AUC = 0,921 yang dapat memprediksi mortalitas 92,1% pasien cidera kepala. Persamaan saturasi Oksigen memiliki nilai p value Uji Hosmer and Lemeshow = 0,870 dengan AUC = 0.880 dapat memprediksi mortalitas sebesar 88%, dan persamaan GAP score dan saturasi Oksigen memiliki nilai p value Uji Hosmer and Lemeshow = 0,967 dengan AUC = 0.965 dapat memprediksi mortalitas sebesar 96,5%. Diskusi dan kesimpulan: Secara statistik terdapat perbedaan AUC antara persamaan tersebut, dengan kesimpulan bahwa gabungan antara akurasi skoring GAP dan akurasi saturasi oksigen secara statistik dapat meningkatkan akurasi dalam memprediksi kematian. Gabungan antara akurasi skoring GAP dan akurasi saturasi oksigen secara statistik dapat meningkatkan akurasi dalam memprediksi mortalitas pada pasien cidera kepala. Kata kunci : GAP Score, Saturasi Oksigen, Mortalitas, Cedera Kepala. ABSTRACT Background: Head injury is a problem for public health because it can cause death, disability, and reduce a person's productive time. Head injuries have high mortality, requiring a method of head injury prognosis with early and accurate assessment in the hope of predicting outcomes and governance in accordance with the patient's condition. GAP Score is one of physiological scoring system that can be used as predictors of mortality of patients with head injury. This system is easier to use and provide valuable predictive information of the patient's condition. Patients who suffered a head injury requiring adequate oxygen supply to meet the needs of brain metabolism that required ongoing monitoring of the oxygen saturation in order to prevent the occurrence of secondary trauma that can worsen the condition of patients with head injury. The purpose of this study to determine whether the value GAP scores and oxygen saturation can be a predictor for predicting mortality in patients with head injury Saiful Anwar Hospital in Malang. Method: This type of research is observational analytic retrospective study. The sample in this study amounted to 96 people were obtained from medical records head injury patients who entered the period January to December 2015 in RSSA Malang. The samples used were 96 samples in accordance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Result and Analysis : The results of the Mann-Whitney test analysis showed that there was significant relationship between the value of GAP Score, and oxygen saturation of patients with head injury mortality within 7 days of treatment with p value of all the independent variable

    Relationship Between Personal Self-efficacy And Flood Disaster Preparedness Of Indonesian Nurses

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    Background: Indonesia is one of the countries that is prone to natural disaster. There are between 1,500-2,000 cases of natural disasters annually and most of the cases are related to hydro meteorological activities such as flood. Preparedness is a critical phase in disaster management as it is able to decrease or prevent negative effects of natural disasters for example negative effects of natural disaster in health sector. Nurse preparedness is one of the determining factors in describing how severe effects of natural disasters are in health sector.Objective: To identify and analyze relationship between personal self-efficacy and flood disaster preparedness of Indonesian nurses.Method: The study used analytical observational design with cross sectional approach. The population was 191 nurses and the samples were 160 nurses working in public health centers. The sampling method was purposive sampling. The setting on the study was 5 public health services located in areas prone to flood in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Spearman rank correlational test was used for data analysis with significant level (α) =0.05.Results: Spearman Rank correlational test showed a significant relationship between self-efficacy and flood disaster preparedness of nurses (p =0.00 and r =0.63).Conclusion: Personal factor such as nurses' self-efficacy in dealing with flood is related to their flood disaster preparedness in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia